Experience dedicated to your success
Sports Leisure activities Culture Events
Turn your dreams into reality
Skills and experience acquired in assistance to project owners, project management, and prefiguration and operation of Olympique Lyonnais infrastructures between 2006 to 2018, can be beneficial for project managers who finance, operate or use large facilities.
Advise specialises in the definition, development, creation and operation of large facilities (e.g. stadiums; arena, sports complex), and provides solutions that are tailored specifically to the interests of all those involved.
Advise Consulting teams with tried-and-tested partners renowned for their specialist skills and experience in finance, law, insurance, engineering, IT, travel, environment, marketing, commercial development, recruitment, maintenance, prevention, security, and energy management. Advise is a member of Event & Venue Experts.
Advise Consulting is dedicated to the success of our clients and their projects.